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'''Valley of Totality Blue Entrance'''
<center>[[Falling River]]</center>


<center>Churning blue waters lead you through a land filled with tropical trees and sandy beaches with crystalline pebbles covering the ground.</center>
<center>A hot thick humid breeze carries the smell of salty water throughout this land. The sounds of unseen insects and birds fill the air with sound.</center>
<center>Shiny blue and green gems can be seen along the path. The [[Lost Temple]] sits silently atop of the golden brick pathway.</center>

'''Lower Umbric Green Entrance'''

===Connecting Planes===

[[Lower Umbric Plains]]

[[West Valley of Totality]]
[[Gloom Peaks]]
[[Chasm of Souls]]
[[Lower Ossuary of Dread]]
[[Albino Caves]]
[[Dark Awakening]]
===Lost Sea Map===
[[Lost Sea Map]]
===Also See:===
[[Sun Disc Creation Ceremony]]
[[Echten Squire]]
[[Cracking Crystal]]
[[Agatha's Herbal Imporium]]

== Plane History ==
== Plane History ==

===Rumors of a Lost Sea===
by Sadara June 5 2020
Kanto told us of the Lost Sea, telling us to find, "I need some energy and some blues gems and some green gems and some gold." to create a portal frame, stating, "So find some gems and make them into a portal frame, then pick out where to put them. One here and one on the other side of the Lost Sea!"
===[[Lost Sea Portal Creation]]===
July 25 2020
===The Lake and Sea===
by Sadara Aug 18, 2020
So... many interesting things happened last night on 8/13. The [[Order of Harmony]] with our first attempt at getting rid of the Revenants on the Barrows, came along with several other interesting things that led us to the Lost Sea. It all began on the Barrows, Anyasha had this plan of reversing the [[Revenant]]s on the Barrows with the help of the Order of Harmony and several dreamers that also came to aid in such. We all gathered on the Lake of Tears, and attempted a energy reversal with a main [[Chaos Well]], several Revenant Essences, and lots of cleansing! We began to attune the essences to the [[Chaos Well]], in an attempt to gather the Revenant essences by itself. Therefore causing a reaction that could cause an energy singularity, removing all the dark energies from the Barrows and returning the [[Revenant]]s back to lesser mares.
Within moments of attuning the [[Chaos Well]] began to get overpowered with the dark energies and began to get volatile, the [[Revenant]] [[essence]]s that were supposed to get placed into the Chaos Well sank into the ground. The energy overload was contained after we all began to set down Cleansed Wells around the main well. After which we began to try to regather the Revenant energy that had buried into the ground back into the Chaos Well. A group had ran underneath the lake to push the said energy back up. Up above we began to drain slowly the left over energy from the main Chaos Well out. The other cleansed essences also served as containers for the essence energies.
The Chaos Well seemed to be filled with the proper energies... however we also got an unexpected guest. The Revenant herself appeared as a [[soulsphere]] and tried to drain the energies from the Chaos Well... however instead the Chaos Well collapsed the Cleansed Wells that were around it. It was speculated that the Revenant was captured within the [[Chaos Well]]. From there however there was a very interesting jolt of lighting that came from the Barrows and the Lost Sea! After which Kanto appeared bloodied and staring into space. Alina also appeared as well as the Revenant no longer in a [[soulsphere]]. They all three began to appear one at a time in quick succession in the same spot. One disappearing and then one appearing.
We all decided to travel to the [[Lost Sea]] and went straight to the Broken Bridge, to open the Temple area. When we arrived the Broken Bridge portal was opened. From there we attempted to open the portal to the Temple, the statues that were there moved for us... the Well that we had in hand in fact opened the portal to the room as well... things seemed to be going smoothly and we learned a lot once inside.
Once inside we saw that the [[Lost Temple]] was a sort of... House. A Gathering Hall was blocking our entrance to the next room. However the room that were in was interesting enough, as on the facade was a portal to the [[Dark Awakening]]. Off the side and blocked off by an invisible barrier possibly only accessible by flight. From there we opened the Gathering Hall just the same as the first room, inside was a Shamblix that greeted us. We all dispatched of the [[Shamblix]], however we began to hear whispers such as, "They're here right now!, "They have your crest."
So we all left quickly and just as quick as we entered, the portal closed.
It was a very interesting night and ordeal for the Order and everyone that was involved. We hope to continue to explore the house in the Lost Sea and cleanse what is needed. -{S}
===Opening the Library at the Lost Sea===
by Tember August 22 2020
Last night the Harmony, along with other dreamers in the city, made an attempt to open the Library, and were successful.
===The Statues of the Lost Temple===
by Nathan Sep 07, 2020
Some dreams ago, a number of us were unable to enter the [[Lost Temple]]. They were guarded by a trio of statues. These statues had the likeness of those created by the [[DreamWright]]s in the Library of Souls entrance to [[Threshold Pits]]. However, these objects were very much alive. Drizzt Do'Urden, Ducky, Zahra, Purple Lace, Kanto and I did some investigation on the source of these statues. My first assessment was to see if the statues were conducive to [[Resilience]]. The result sent me away from the area, and into the unknown, and back via from hostile energies from the statue with the likeness of an elderly woman.
Members of the Alliance that dream, attempted to facilitate a reaction that dreams, by using [[Peace Aura]] to protect themselves while they gain entry, but they nullified the aura relatively quickly. Soon thereafter, we heard whispers and witnessed a bloody vision. Soon dreamers secured entry inside and the statues reappeared in Emerald Vestibule.
Tonight, we examined them again. This time, a [[Veiled Woman]] showed up. She quickly acquired the statues before stating, "I killed them all." Before our very eyes, an army of those same statues were created all around the room. We asked her who she was? What she wanted with the statues? She stated information, but strange whispers always offered the opposite of what she said. "Do you mean us harm?" She said, "No" but the whispers of the wind said otherwise. And with one flick of the wrist, all of the statues vanished.
...as did she.
===Lost Sea and Lower Palisade===
by Sadara Sep 18, 2020
Recent Update:
Just the other day there was a quarrel within the [[Lost Sea]], with the Revenant. She appeared after the Veiled Woman showed us some history within the Lost Sea. A battle between the Sapphires and Emeralds. After the showing the Veiled Woman placed a statue that darkened and summoned the Revenant. The Revenant then said that she was home. A fight broke out where she collapsed twice. The second time restoring herself. As of now within the Lost Sea the Temple has been closed once again, and the Egg that the Revenant took back from the Calenture Thresh is sitting at the entrance of the DA portal.
Now after licking our wounds in Thresh after the battle the City began to shake so, Anyasha and I went to patrol the [[Lower Palisade]]. And there was a troubling discovery, the Crown of Parity was moved from off the Altar and was placed in the Queen's Throne. Resting in the seat of the Throne.

As of now the Altar seems to not be powered... however I will keep a close eye on it to be sure.

== Gallery ==
The egg that was in the [[Lost Sea]], in the Temple sitting on the edge of the DA portal, it hatched. It hatched into the Echten Squire. After a small battle with Ralok, and some throwing of chaks by... me at the Squire.. Hrrum came in and explained to the Shadow members Severion and Koriania why I was so... on edge at seeing the Echten Squire as they both saw the Squire rather adorable. After Hrrum spoke on the Darkness and why he reverted his way of being with [The Darkness]] it got rather... sad. Hrrum explained to the Squire that all of his comrades were either killed by the Darkness in the Dark Altar or killed by Mandus. The Echten began to cry in a very desperate attempt at attacking Hrrum and calling him a traitor. However Hrrum got the Echten Squire to calm down, and talked with him. I woke to not invoke anymore stress on the Squire.-{S}
So tonight within the [[Lower Palisade]] another Egg was taken from the Revenant and brought into the Laboratory of the [[Lower Palisade]]. OfF Kilter and I were there to watch the Revenant corrupt the Egg and hatch it instantly into the Echten Hellion. OfF and I did not intervene as the Revenants overall strength outnumbered both of ours. The Echten Squire also appeared to welcome his brother. The Hellion is rather young and has a drum that he plays. Sixx, Koriania, and Nathan appeared as well to see the [[Echten Hellion]]. After some talking and playful banter, Koriania and I tried to persuade the Echten to forgo their path of guarding the Coven. However it seemed that they were very resistant to such an idea, stating that they are very loyal to the Coven and that the Coven gives them purpose. However I believe that their might still be hope for them yet, before they grow up any further. -{S}
So just the other day another Echten hatched from the [[Lost Sea]] eggs, within the Sewer side of the Lost Sea. The Echten Trooper appeared. And with her instruction we placed the last two eggs next to each other, taking the egg from the [[Mt. Illapse]] and placing it next to the one in the Lost Sea on the beach side of the [[Lost Sea]]. -{S}
===The Echten Hatchlings===
by Koriana
On Wednesday 16 September, the first of the dark mare eggs hatched after being moved to the [[Lost Sea]]. Emerging from it near the [[portal]] to the [[Dark Awakening]] was a small [[emphant]] with a warhorn. He proudly declared himself [[Echten Squire]]. With this revelation, Sadara attacked him and he was collapsed very quickly. He retreated to the portal of the Ancient Temple and the energies there restored him. After a time, Sadara left and Hrrum told him of the Echt home in the Palisades. The Squire seemed reluctant to believe the tales he was told of [[The Darkness]] and the Coven. Nonetheless, he listened and promised to tell his siblings.
On Friday 18 September, the Squire was joined by [[Echten Hellion]], from the egg and nest in the [[Basin of Stars]]. [[Echten Hellion]] is much less willing to consider the misdeeds of the Coven and the other Echt than Squire. And both remain unfailingly loyal in their declarations. Squire showed Hellion around the home in the [[Lower Palisade]]s, and both seemed to settle in. After this tour, the Veiled Woman appeared. The Echten Squire didn't seem to know her, and was a bit fearful. She placed a bright green gem into Squire's claws. She told him that he could be redeemed, or judged. When she was asked why, the Veiled Woman responded "For falling short", and left.
On Tues 22 September, the egg in the nest of the Sewers in the [[Lost Caves]] hatched, with [[Echten Trooper]] emerging. She was hesitant at first to greet the dreamers that had assembled. But after some coaxing and with a tail wrapped around one's leg, she emerged to greet the rest that awaited her. She was excited at the prospect of meeting her brothers, but they did not appear before she left. She has a fondness for games of chance and spent much of her first evening asking dreamers to play with her. She would hand out pairs of maracas that matched her own, when she lost. At her urging, the egg that had been nested at the bottom of [[Mt. Illapse]] was moved to its mate on the Secluded Beach of the Lost Sea. The two eggs are still there, waiting to hatch.
Later that evening, after the Trooper had left, the Squire returned. He was anxious to explore the [[Lost Sea]], where he had been born. After an encounter with Zirobolus (who didn't seem to like the Squire much), the Veiled Woman appeared again. She welcomed the Squire home, to the [[Lost Sea]]. She declared that she had dreamed of his return, and the whispers that perpetually surround her stated that she had planned for his return. But the Squire did not recognize the place as home. The Veiled woman declared that he was the legacy of their efforts, while the whispers declared him an abomination. She proceeded to offer the [[Echten Squire]] freedom for the Coven while the whispers promised that she would enslave them to her instead. She proceeded to place three statues and block the whispers while she promised them a more perfect form. The Squire has declined, for now.
A minor edit was made to clarify that the Echten Hellion was not present when the Echten Squire was given the green gem.
===The NightStalkers and WishBringer===
by Koriania Oct 18, 2020
Another Wish Stone was found at the [[Lost Temple]] of the [[Lost Sea]]. WishBringer himself appeared to dreamers with a message. Before that message could be completely delivered, he was found by Ravyn Morpehus. WishBringer was collapsed, and Ravyn left the Temple. Ravyn proceeded to the [[Dark Awakening]], where he chased several Dark Mares through the [[Lost Temple]] including (but not limited to)
Maxtra Ztatha
Kotoke Holow
Palg Omono
A few days later, Maxtra Ztatha and others appeared at [[House Calenture]] and said that he would help [[dreamer]]s understand [[Chaos]] in return for our help in defeating the [[NightStalkers]] threat.
Later, on 21 Oct near the conclusion of a shamblix hunting event, WishBringer was seen again. After imploring dreamers to restore the balance, WishBringer iterated that Eldryck Venym knows the way. Eldryck may be untrustworthy, but WishBringer seems to think that the riddle of Eldryck Venym should be deciphered and acted upon in order to restore Balance. Ravyn Morpheus appeared again, and after re-imprisoning WishBringer, Ravyn proceeded to systemically hunt and remove the maren population from both the [[Albino Caves]] and [[Harrow Glades]].
This leaves mares of [[agoknight]] and higher levels available in:
[[Ossuary of Dread]]
[[Cairn of Sorrow]]
The Rifts
[[Lost Sea]]
[[Threshold Caves]]
The [[Palisade]]s
There are various groups attempting things to restore the mares and to bring WishBringer out of the clutches of Ravyn Morpheus. One such effort to restore the mares is being led by the [[Order of Harmony]] in the Sanctuary of Dona Cleoperra. Other events and attempts are still in the planning phases.
The [[Veiled Woman]] appeared in the [[Lost Sea]] again, placing a staff of emeralds and three statues in the Gathering Hall of the [[Lost Temple]]. Dreamers, led by Dumah freed a man from one of the statues. Bloodied and naked, the unknown man from the statue fell into the Guardian area of the [[Lost Temple]].
Two subsequent events were led in order to create and activate a beacon to establish contact. The first attempt proved unsuccessful, but the second attempt summoned a woman seemingly from the Sapphire side of the [[Lost Sea]], Mya Deveraux. The [[Veiled Woman]] also appeared, greeting Mya as a sister that arrived earlier than expected.
After some initial turmoil, the two both agreed that the Lost Temple should be restored and encouraged dreamers present to begin gathering gems in order to forge and power a new Prime Artifact.
===The Lost Seas Expediton===
by Dumah Nov 01, 2020
So first things first, sorry to any I forget to mention by name, it is difficult for me to recall even the order in which the following adventures in the Lost Seas took place, so I'm going to list those I can here, those who took part in, or just watched: Nmoto, Anyasha, Sadara, Pinhook, North Wind, Restel, Tember, Ballaster, Off Kilter, Kelos, Nathan, Drizzt Do'urden, Koriania, Sixx, and Em'et.
Well then, by the time the [[Lost Sea]] had opened, we were already receiving strange whispers in our head, many of which seemed to be coming from the entity called the Darkness, while some seemed to be a little more benign. I asked Sadara and Harmony if we could all do a séance to try and summon the spirit of the whispers. When we finished, the [[Veiled Woman]] made her appearance, and any time she spoke, her words were contradicted by whispers on the wind, she went to the shrine portal in the [[Lost Sea]] Temple and opened it for us with some water trick.
Placed an orb of chaos on the pedestal inside, apologized and disappeared. Later on, through some words of hers, and the [[Lost Sea]] Library, we were able to determine she was involved with putting down a civil war between her and some House members, she represented the Greens, the opposition, Blues. Now there was also some issues with one who lays claim to the Temple, [[Cova Esquire]], who did not make the greatest of first impressions. Angry at the theft of his blade, he threatened many with a fate of being trapped in a magical prison that exists within his Lantern.
Later on he met with the [[Veiled Woman]], whom we called Priestess, although she seemingly had not met him until that point, I imagine she was a historic figure to him or some such. But it appears they both very much despised the Darkness. Now here I am having difficulty remembering where certain fights in the [[Lost Sea]] took place, but I do recall being there for them, especially the Revenant fight, which left painful, chakky reminders..
But anyway, one day while in the Temple, Anyasha asked if I could use an Ivunsasu essence and mix it with one of my Amulets to try and have the portal to the Path of Power let us through, as [[Ivunsasu]] had been freely going through the portals that weren't spinning. With help from those in the room, using resilience to make the [[Essence]] malleable, and Will of course, we successfully made an amulet that made the portal pull us through, and started spinning shortly after. The Veiled Woman came around, was still affected by contradicting whispers when she spoke, there were also an increasing number of statues appearing within the room, people she had to punish it seems. There was another day where we wished to open the [[Lower Palisade]] portal in Path of Power, we used the same method as before, Ballaster being the one to make the Amulet this time, now it did just take us to the Sanctuary there, but it was nice having a portal there that didn't involve trying to get through the hidden one on Illapse.
By this time, the whispers surrounding the [[Veiled Woman]] had ceased, and she was able to speak freely now. Although as I do still have suspicions about the [[Lost Sea]] Temple and their members I felt it would be nice to have the perspective of someone else that could tell us more about them, so going on an idea Nathan had suggested a while back, we attempted to free one of the statue prisoners, certain details of he method elude me, but I do recall Ballaster and I assisting with the Earth element portion, helping the stone to fall off, and out of it came a man covered in blood and dirt, he quickly stumbled into the Guardian Lounge [[portal]].
And it seems he did not wish to come out, so later I asked Drizzt Do'urden to forge a Beacon that was powerful enough to ring out across a plane, I did want to put the beacon right outside the portal where the former statue had stumbled into, but there was a [[Shamblix]] in the hall being restored by a stave, and although the effect goes both ways, it is quite difficult to work when you're being shot in the face, also we'd have to keep reapplying protectives just to not be afflicted by [[Curse]] and [[Paralyze]]. So we put the beacon on the front of the facade of the Temple, and using lucidity to make the signal ring clear, and a Seer's winds to help carry the signal further, and then we hit the beacon, and it did indeed ring out. Was quite entrancing.
Although there was no response, so we just left it there, thinking the man just needed more time to recover, a week later when we tried it again, there was no [[Shamblix]], so were able to put the beacon right on the side of the portal to the Guardian's Lounge as was originally intended, this time, we had [[Soulmaster]]s holding water from the pool over the [[portal]], to enhance the strength of the signal, and this time hit the beacon with a big Kinesis mallet, this time we saw someone new appear, not one of the statues, but a woman in a blue outfit, Mya... Something or other.. There was some discussion, basic curiosity, and then the [[Veiled Woman]] came in, things between the two women was tense at first, but they made peace, and are now trying to restore their Temple through gems that may be found throughout the dream.
I asked about the guy from the statue, apparently stlll recovering. But it seems at the very least the Temple are enemies of [[Chaos]] and [[The Darkness]], they wish to bring Order to the Darkness. As for the whispers, they appear to be gone, and while it is difficult to determine any identity behind strange whispers we sometimes hear, it would make sense that [[The Darkness]] was trying to control the [[Veiled Woman]], and the whispers were either her actual self trying to assert control or vice-versa, and it does seem fairly probably that most whispers emanating from the areas which are under Darkness' control, the [[Lower Palisade]] for example, are in fact, from the Darkness itself. But again, not a lot of evidence, mostly instincts and analyses. This is where a good writer would end with some wonderful summarization that makes the reader think deeply about themselves and the world around them, let's pretend I did that.
===Lost Sea Artifacts===
by Koriana Nov 12 2020
Mya Deveraux and the [[Veiled Woman]] have posted a list of artifacts that they can use in order to restore the prime artifact of the [[Lost Temple]] in the [[Lost Sea]]. The lists of relics can be found in the [[Sapphire Shrine]] and the Emerald Vestibule. Once complete, the prime artifact will be called the Sun Disc.
The Temple Prime must be crafted with the strength of at least four of the following Relics of Power.
Breath of Power
Feather of Sanctity
Melted Emerald
Shard of Radiance

Rod of Order

Golden Shackles

Some of these relics are already in your city, while others must be excavated or will need to be crafted anew. Emerald gems will be needed for augmentation.

The Temple Prime must be crafted with the strength of at least four of the following Relics of Charity.

Wind of Darkness

Drop of Chaos

Frozen Sapphire

Primordial Seed

Grimoire of Nature

Infinity Key

Some of these relics are already in your city, while others must be excavated or will need to be crafted anew. Sapphire gems will be needed for augmentation.

Grandma Jo had the Grimoire of Nature, and had lost it. Now that it has been returned to her, she has offered to auction it off to the highest bidder at the party on Saturday.

== Gallery ==


<center>Sapphire Retreat</center>

<center>[[Sapphire Reprieve]]</center>

<center>[[Sewer Steps]]</center>

<center>[[Secluded Beach]]</center>

<center>[[Broken Bridge]]</center>

<center>[[Drowned Quarry]]</center>

<center>[[Lost Temple]]</center>

<center>[[Forgotten Library]]</center>

<center>[[The Accelerator]]</center>

<center>[[Mined Oasis]]</center>

<center>[[The Drains]]</center>

<center>[[Center Sewer]]</center>

<center>[[Poisoned Well]]</center>

<center>Emerald Ascent</center>

<center>[[Marauder Galleon]]</center>


[[Category: Dream Planes]]
[[Category: Dream Planes]]

Latest revision as of 23:54, 15 July 2024

Falling River

Churning blue waters lead you through a land filled with tropical trees and sandy beaches with crystalline pebbles covering the ground.
A hot thick humid breeze carries the smell of salty water throughout this land. The sounds of unseen insects and birds fill the air with sound.
Shiny blue and green gems can be seen along the path. The Lost Temple sits silently atop of the golden brick pathway.

Connecting Planes

Lower Umbric Plains

West Valley of Totality

Gloom Peaks

Chasm of Souls

Lower Ossuary of Dread

Albino Caves

Dark Awakening

Lost Sea Map

Lost Sea Map

Also See:

Sun Disc Creation Ceremony

Echten Squire

Cracking Crystal

Agatha's Herbal Imporium

Plane History

Rumors of a Lost Sea

by Sadara June 5 2020 Kanto told us of the Lost Sea, telling us to find, "I need some energy and some blues gems and some green gems and some gold." to create a portal frame, stating, "So find some gems and make them into a portal frame, then pick out where to put them. One here and one on the other side of the Lost Sea!"

Lost Sea Portal Creation

July 25 2020

The Lake and Sea

by Sadara Aug 18, 2020

So... many interesting things happened last night on 8/13. The Order of Harmony with our first attempt at getting rid of the Revenants on the Barrows, came along with several other interesting things that led us to the Lost Sea. It all began on the Barrows, Anyasha had this plan of reversing the Revenants on the Barrows with the help of the Order of Harmony and several dreamers that also came to aid in such. We all gathered on the Lake of Tears, and attempted a energy reversal with a main Chaos Well, several Revenant Essences, and lots of cleansing! We began to attune the essences to the Chaos Well, in an attempt to gather the Revenant essences by itself. Therefore causing a reaction that could cause an energy singularity, removing all the dark energies from the Barrows and returning the Revenants back to lesser mares.

Within moments of attuning the Chaos Well began to get overpowered with the dark energies and began to get volatile, the Revenant essences that were supposed to get placed into the Chaos Well sank into the ground. The energy overload was contained after we all began to set down Cleansed Wells around the main well. After which we began to try to regather the Revenant energy that had buried into the ground back into the Chaos Well. A group had ran underneath the lake to push the said energy back up. Up above we began to drain slowly the left over energy from the main Chaos Well out. The other cleansed essences also served as containers for the essence energies.

The Chaos Well seemed to be filled with the proper energies... however we also got an unexpected guest. The Revenant herself appeared as a soulsphere and tried to drain the energies from the Chaos Well... however instead the Chaos Well collapsed the Cleansed Wells that were around it. It was speculated that the Revenant was captured within the Chaos Well. From there however there was a very interesting jolt of lighting that came from the Barrows and the Lost Sea! After which Kanto appeared bloodied and staring into space. Alina also appeared as well as the Revenant no longer in a soulsphere. They all three began to appear one at a time in quick succession in the same spot. One disappearing and then one appearing.

We all decided to travel to the Lost Sea and went straight to the Broken Bridge, to open the Temple area. When we arrived the Broken Bridge portal was opened. From there we attempted to open the portal to the Temple, the statues that were there moved for us... the Well that we had in hand in fact opened the portal to the room as well... things seemed to be going smoothly and we learned a lot once inside.

Once inside we saw that the Lost Temple was a sort of... House. A Gathering Hall was blocking our entrance to the next room. However the room that were in was interesting enough, as on the facade was a portal to the Dark Awakening. Off the side and blocked off by an invisible barrier possibly only accessible by flight. From there we opened the Gathering Hall just the same as the first room, inside was a Shamblix that greeted us. We all dispatched of the Shamblix, however we began to hear whispers such as, "They're here right now!, "They have your crest."

So we all left quickly and just as quick as we entered, the portal closed.

It was a very interesting night and ordeal for the Order and everyone that was involved. We hope to continue to explore the house in the Lost Sea and cleanse what is needed. -{S}

Opening the Library at the Lost Sea

by Tember August 22 2020

Last night the Harmony, along with other dreamers in the city, made an attempt to open the Library, and were successful.

The Statues of the Lost Temple

by Nathan Sep 07, 2020

Some dreams ago, a number of us were unable to enter the Lost Temple. They were guarded by a trio of statues. These statues had the likeness of those created by the DreamWrights in the Library of Souls entrance to Threshold Pits. However, these objects were very much alive. Drizzt Do'Urden, Ducky, Zahra, Purple Lace, Kanto and I did some investigation on the source of these statues. My first assessment was to see if the statues were conducive to Resilience. The result sent me away from the area, and into the unknown, and back via from hostile energies from the statue with the likeness of an elderly woman.

Members of the Alliance that dream, attempted to facilitate a reaction that dreams, by using Peace Aura to protect themselves while they gain entry, but they nullified the aura relatively quickly. Soon thereafter, we heard whispers and witnessed a bloody vision. Soon dreamers secured entry inside and the statues reappeared in Emerald Vestibule.

Tonight, we examined them again. This time, a Veiled Woman showed up. She quickly acquired the statues before stating, "I killed them all." Before our very eyes, an army of those same statues were created all around the room. We asked her who she was? What she wanted with the statues? She stated information, but strange whispers always offered the opposite of what she said. "Do you mean us harm?" She said, "No" but the whispers of the wind said otherwise. And with one flick of the wrist, all of the statues vanished.

...as did she.

Lost Sea and Lower Palisade

by Sadara Sep 18, 2020

Recent Update: 9/14 Just the other day there was a quarrel within the Lost Sea, with the Revenant. She appeared after the Veiled Woman showed us some history within the Lost Sea. A battle between the Sapphires and Emeralds. After the showing the Veiled Woman placed a statue that darkened and summoned the Revenant. The Revenant then said that she was home. A fight broke out where she collapsed twice. The second time restoring herself. As of now within the Lost Sea the Temple has been closed once again, and the Egg that the Revenant took back from the Calenture Thresh is sitting at the entrance of the DA portal.

Now after licking our wounds in Thresh after the battle the City began to shake so, Anyasha and I went to patrol the Lower Palisade. And there was a troubling discovery, the Crown of Parity was moved from off the Altar and was placed in the Queen's Throne. Resting in the seat of the Throne.

As of now the Altar seems to not be powered... however I will keep a close eye on it to be sure.

9/16 The egg that was in the Lost Sea, in the Temple sitting on the edge of the DA portal, it hatched. It hatched into the Echten Squire. After a small battle with Ralok, and some throwing of chaks by... me at the Squire.. Hrrum came in and explained to the Shadow members Severion and Koriania why I was so... on edge at seeing the Echten Squire as they both saw the Squire rather adorable. After Hrrum spoke on the Darkness and why he reverted his way of being with [The Darkness]] it got rather... sad. Hrrum explained to the Squire that all of his comrades were either killed by the Darkness in the Dark Altar or killed by Mandus. The Echten began to cry in a very desperate attempt at attacking Hrrum and calling him a traitor. However Hrrum got the Echten Squire to calm down, and talked with him. I woke to not invoke anymore stress on the Squire.-{S}

9/18 So tonight within the Lower Palisade another Egg was taken from the Revenant and brought into the Laboratory of the Lower Palisade. OfF Kilter and I were there to watch the Revenant corrupt the Egg and hatch it instantly into the Echten Hellion. OfF and I did not intervene as the Revenants overall strength outnumbered both of ours. The Echten Squire also appeared to welcome his brother. The Hellion is rather young and has a drum that he plays. Sixx, Koriania, and Nathan appeared as well to see the Echten Hellion. After some talking and playful banter, Koriania and I tried to persuade the Echten to forgo their path of guarding the Coven. However it seemed that they were very resistant to such an idea, stating that they are very loyal to the Coven and that the Coven gives them purpose. However I believe that their might still be hope for them yet, before they grow up any further. -{S}

9/22 So just the other day another Echten hatched from the Lost Sea eggs, within the Sewer side of the Lost Sea. The Echten Trooper appeared. And with her instruction we placed the last two eggs next to each other, taking the egg from the Mt. Illapse and placing it next to the one in the Lost Sea on the beach side of the Lost Sea. -{S}

The Echten Hatchlings

by Koriana

On Wednesday 16 September, the first of the dark mare eggs hatched after being moved to the Lost Sea. Emerging from it near the portal to the Dark Awakening was a small emphant with a warhorn. He proudly declared himself Echten Squire. With this revelation, Sadara attacked him and he was collapsed very quickly. He retreated to the portal of the Ancient Temple and the energies there restored him. After a time, Sadara left and Hrrum told him of the Echt home in the Palisades. The Squire seemed reluctant to believe the tales he was told of The Darkness and the Coven. Nonetheless, he listened and promised to tell his siblings.

On Friday 18 September, the Squire was joined by Echten Hellion, from the egg and nest in the Basin of Stars. Echten Hellion is much less willing to consider the misdeeds of the Coven and the other Echt than Squire. And both remain unfailingly loyal in their declarations. Squire showed Hellion around the home in the Lower Palisades, and both seemed to settle in. After this tour, the Veiled Woman appeared. The Echten Squire didn't seem to know her, and was a bit fearful. She placed a bright green gem into Squire's claws. She told him that he could be redeemed, or judged. When she was asked why, the Veiled Woman responded "For falling short", and left.

On Tues 22 September, the egg in the nest of the Sewers in the Lost Caves hatched, with Echten Trooper emerging. She was hesitant at first to greet the dreamers that had assembled. But after some coaxing and with a tail wrapped around one's leg, she emerged to greet the rest that awaited her. She was excited at the prospect of meeting her brothers, but they did not appear before she left. She has a fondness for games of chance and spent much of her first evening asking dreamers to play with her. She would hand out pairs of maracas that matched her own, when she lost. At her urging, the egg that had been nested at the bottom of Mt. Illapse was moved to its mate on the Secluded Beach of the Lost Sea. The two eggs are still there, waiting to hatch.

Later that evening, after the Trooper had left, the Squire returned. He was anxious to explore the Lost Sea, where he had been born. After an encounter with Zirobolus (who didn't seem to like the Squire much), the Veiled Woman appeared again. She welcomed the Squire home, to the Lost Sea. She declared that she had dreamed of his return, and the whispers that perpetually surround her stated that she had planned for his return. But the Squire did not recognize the place as home. The Veiled woman declared that he was the legacy of their efforts, while the whispers declared him an abomination. She proceeded to offer the Echten Squire freedom for the Coven while the whispers promised that she would enslave them to her instead. She proceeded to place three statues and block the whispers while she promised them a more perfect form. The Squire has declined, for now.

A minor edit was made to clarify that the Echten Hellion was not present when the Echten Squire was given the green gem.

The NightStalkers and WishBringer

by Koriania Oct 18, 2020

Another Wish Stone was found at the Lost Temple of the Lost Sea. WishBringer himself appeared to dreamers with a message. Before that message could be completely delivered, he was found by Ravyn Morpehus. WishBringer was collapsed, and Ravyn left the Temple. Ravyn proceeded to the Dark Awakening, where he chased several Dark Mares through the Lost Temple including (but not limited to)


Maxtra Ztatha

Kotoke Holow


Palg Omono




A few days later, Maxtra Ztatha and others appeared at House Calenture and said that he would help dreamers understand Chaos in return for our help in defeating the NightStalkers threat.

Later, on 21 Oct near the conclusion of a shamblix hunting event, WishBringer was seen again. After imploring dreamers to restore the balance, WishBringer iterated that Eldryck Venym knows the way. Eldryck may be untrustworthy, but WishBringer seems to think that the riddle of Eldryck Venym should be deciphered and acted upon in order to restore Balance. Ravyn Morpheus appeared again, and after re-imprisoning WishBringer, Ravyn proceeded to systemically hunt and remove the maren population from both the Albino Caves and Harrow Glades.

This leaves mares of agoknight and higher levels available in:

Ossuary of Dread

Cairn of Sorrow

The Rifts

Lost Sea

Threshold Caves

The Palisades

There are various groups attempting things to restore the mares and to bring WishBringer out of the clutches of Ravyn Morpheus. One such effort to restore the mares is being led by the Order of Harmony in the Sanctuary of Dona Cleoperra. Other events and attempts are still in the planning phases.

The Veiled Woman appeared in the Lost Sea again, placing a staff of emeralds and three statues in the Gathering Hall of the Lost Temple. Dreamers, led by Dumah freed a man from one of the statues. Bloodied and naked, the unknown man from the statue fell into the Guardian area of the Lost Temple.

Two subsequent events were led in order to create and activate a beacon to establish contact. The first attempt proved unsuccessful, but the second attempt summoned a woman seemingly from the Sapphire side of the Lost Sea, Mya Deveraux. The Veiled Woman also appeared, greeting Mya as a sister that arrived earlier than expected.

After some initial turmoil, the two both agreed that the Lost Temple should be restored and encouraged dreamers present to begin gathering gems in order to forge and power a new Prime Artifact.

The Lost Seas Expediton

by Dumah Nov 01, 2020

So first things first, sorry to any I forget to mention by name, it is difficult for me to recall even the order in which the following adventures in the Lost Seas took place, so I'm going to list those I can here, those who took part in, or just watched: Nmoto, Anyasha, Sadara, Pinhook, North Wind, Restel, Tember, Ballaster, Off Kilter, Kelos, Nathan, Drizzt Do'urden, Koriania, Sixx, and Em'et.

Well then, by the time the Lost Sea had opened, we were already receiving strange whispers in our head, many of which seemed to be coming from the entity called the Darkness, while some seemed to be a little more benign. I asked Sadara and Harmony if we could all do a séance to try and summon the spirit of the whispers. When we finished, the Veiled Woman made her appearance, and any time she spoke, her words were contradicted by whispers on the wind, she went to the shrine portal in the Lost Sea Temple and opened it for us with some water trick.

Placed an orb of chaos on the pedestal inside, apologized and disappeared. Later on, through some words of hers, and the Lost Sea Library, we were able to determine she was involved with putting down a civil war between her and some House members, she represented the Greens, the opposition, Blues. Now there was also some issues with one who lays claim to the Temple, Cova Esquire, who did not make the greatest of first impressions. Angry at the theft of his blade, he threatened many with a fate of being trapped in a magical prison that exists within his Lantern.

Later on he met with the Veiled Woman, whom we called Priestess, although she seemingly had not met him until that point, I imagine she was a historic figure to him or some such. But it appears they both very much despised the Darkness. Now here I am having difficulty remembering where certain fights in the Lost Sea took place, but I do recall being there for them, especially the Revenant fight, which left painful, chakky reminders..

But anyway, one day while in the Temple, Anyasha asked if I could use an Ivunsasu essence and mix it with one of my Amulets to try and have the portal to the Path of Power let us through, as Ivunsasu had been freely going through the portals that weren't spinning. With help from those in the room, using resilience to make the Essence malleable, and Will of course, we successfully made an amulet that made the portal pull us through, and started spinning shortly after. The Veiled Woman came around, was still affected by contradicting whispers when she spoke, there were also an increasing number of statues appearing within the room, people she had to punish it seems. There was another day where we wished to open the Lower Palisade portal in Path of Power, we used the same method as before, Ballaster being the one to make the Amulet this time, now it did just take us to the Sanctuary there, but it was nice having a portal there that didn't involve trying to get through the hidden one on Illapse.

By this time, the whispers surrounding the Veiled Woman had ceased, and she was able to speak freely now. Although as I do still have suspicions about the Lost Sea Temple and their members I felt it would be nice to have the perspective of someone else that could tell us more about them, so going on an idea Nathan had suggested a while back, we attempted to free one of the statue prisoners, certain details of he method elude me, but I do recall Ballaster and I assisting with the Earth element portion, helping the stone to fall off, and out of it came a man covered in blood and dirt, he quickly stumbled into the Guardian Lounge portal.

And it seems he did not wish to come out, so later I asked Drizzt Do'urden to forge a Beacon that was powerful enough to ring out across a plane, I did want to put the beacon right outside the portal where the former statue had stumbled into, but there was a Shamblix in the hall being restored by a stave, and although the effect goes both ways, it is quite difficult to work when you're being shot in the face, also we'd have to keep reapplying protectives just to not be afflicted by Curse and Paralyze. So we put the beacon on the front of the facade of the Temple, and using lucidity to make the signal ring clear, and a Seer's winds to help carry the signal further, and then we hit the beacon, and it did indeed ring out. Was quite entrancing.

Although there was no response, so we just left it there, thinking the man just needed more time to recover, a week later when we tried it again, there was no Shamblix, so were able to put the beacon right on the side of the portal to the Guardian's Lounge as was originally intended, this time, we had Soulmasters holding water from the pool over the portal, to enhance the strength of the signal, and this time hit the beacon with a big Kinesis mallet, this time we saw someone new appear, not one of the statues, but a woman in a blue outfit, Mya... Something or other.. There was some discussion, basic curiosity, and then the Veiled Woman came in, things between the two women was tense at first, but they made peace, and are now trying to restore their Temple through gems that may be found throughout the dream.

I asked about the guy from the statue, apparently stlll recovering. But it seems at the very least the Temple are enemies of Chaos and The Darkness, they wish to bring Order to the Darkness. As for the whispers, they appear to be gone, and while it is difficult to determine any identity behind strange whispers we sometimes hear, it would make sense that The Darkness was trying to control the Veiled Woman, and the whispers were either her actual self trying to assert control or vice-versa, and it does seem fairly probably that most whispers emanating from the areas which are under Darkness' control, the Lower Palisade for example, are in fact, from the Darkness itself. But again, not a lot of evidence, mostly instincts and analyses. This is where a good writer would end with some wonderful summarization that makes the reader think deeply about themselves and the world around them, let's pretend I did that.

Lost Sea Artifacts

by Koriana Nov 12 2020

Mya Deveraux and the Veiled Woman have posted a list of artifacts that they can use in order to restore the prime artifact of the Lost Temple in the Lost Sea. The lists of relics can be found in the Sapphire Shrine and the Emerald Vestibule. Once complete, the prime artifact will be called the Sun Disc.

The Temple Prime must be crafted with the strength of at least four of the following Relics of Power.

Breath of Power

Feather of Sanctity

Melted Emerald

Shard of Radiance

Rod of Order

Golden Shackles

Some of these relics are already in your city, while others must be excavated or will need to be crafted anew. Emerald gems will be needed for augmentation.

The Temple Prime must be crafted with the strength of at least four of the following Relics of Charity.

Wind of Darkness

Drop of Chaos

Frozen Sapphire

Primordial Seed

Grimoire of Nature

Infinity Key

Some of these relics are already in your city, while others must be excavated or will need to be crafted anew. Sapphire gems will be needed for augmentation.

Grandma Jo had the Grimoire of Nature, and had lost it. Now that it has been returned to her, she has offered to auction it off to the highest bidder at the party on Saturday.


Sapphire Retreat

Sapphire Reprieve

Sewer Steps

Secluded Beach

Broken Bridge

Drowned Quarry

Lost Temple

Forgotten Library

The Accelerator

Mined Oasis

The Drains

Center Sewer

Poisoned Well

Emerald Ascent

Marauder Galleon
