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==Teaching Standards==

===Teachers Requirements and Progression===
==Teachers Requirements and Progression Revised January 28, 2024==

The following are to be adhered to by all Teachers, regardless of orbit, Train ability, rank in factions, etc.
==The Role and Requirements of All Teachers==
* A [[Teacher]] is a [[dreamer]] who is responsible for the knowledge and advancement of their fellow dreamers. A [[teacher]] is more than just a task giver. A teacher is someone who serves as a guide to all dreamers about the many aspects of the City of Dreams. This includes, but is not limited to sharing the history of our City, explaining current events to new and returning dreamers, help new dreamers acquire their bearings upon entering the city, guiding experienced dreamers in new directions if they are so interested, keeping up to date with the current rules and regulations of tasking and general advancement within the City.
===Becoming a Teacher===
*Anyone can be a teacher whether they have a halo or not. All you need to do is go out and provide knowledge to others that they did not have before. However, if you wish to become an ordained teacher and acquire the art of Train for the purpose of having a direct role in the advancement of your fellow [[dreamer]]s then you must meet these following minimum requirements and go through an Apprenticeship under a Master Teacher mentor.
===To become a teaching apprentice you must:===
* Obtained at least 4th sphere.
* Be accepted or chosen as an apprentice by a Mentor.
* You can approach any Master Teacher when you feel you are ready and see if they are willing to take you on as their apprentice.
* Any Master Teacher can approach you and offer to take you on as their apprentice. You are free to accept or decline any such offer, for any reason.
* Only an Master Teacher can mentor someone for the art of Train
* Master Teachers are only allowed a maximum of 2 Apprentices at a time.
* Apprentices can have up to a maximum of 2 Mentors as long as it is approved by the Teacher Elder, Azlan.
* If there will be 2 Mentors, both Mentors in these cases must communicate with each other to ensure that their shared apprentice remains on track.
* If there will be 2 Mentors, both Mentors must be in agreement when it comes time to give their apprentice the art of Quest.
* Regular updates must be provided to the Teacher Elder, Azlan, about the progress of each Apprentice.
* An apprenticeship doesn’t end with the ordainment of the Apprentice. Mentoring should be a symbiotic relationship, and the Mentor(s) should continue to work with and push the progression of their Apprentice until their Train art reaches level 50.
===The Apprenticeship Process===
* The entire apprenticeship should take at least 4 weeks. It may take longer if needed.
* An Apprentice must spend at least 2 sessions with their Mentor(s) going over general teaching rules and regulations. (This includes everything listed in the entirety of this scroll.)
* Once the Apprentice can prove adequate knowledge of the rules and regulations for teaching, they will begin shadowing their Mentor(s). This will give them the ability to see the tasking process in action. This is also the point where the Mentor(s) provide their Apprentice with additional insights into the different styles of task writing and their preferred methods of handling their student’s needs and requests. It is recommended that Mentors begin having their students craft a variety of sample tasks for different dreamers, arts, and plateaus to get them comfortable with the process.
* Once there is a level of mutual confidence, the Apprentice will be asked to come up with the actual task for a student and, pending approval and re-written on a Quest codex by the Mentor, will give the task to the student to be completed.
* When the Mentor(s) feel that the Apprentice is ready to begin tasking on their own, they may provide their Apprentice with the art of Quest. This will give them the white Apprentice halo and allow them to begin giving tasks on their own, but only within the stipulations set forth by the Mentor(s). (If 2 Mentors, both must be in agreement with the stipulations given to their Apprentice.)
* Once the Mentor(s) feel that the Apprentice is ready for the Interview portion of the Final Teaching Exam, they will schedule a time to meet with the Teaching Elder, Azlan. During this interview, the Apprentice will be required to answer an array of questions displaying their overall knowledge of teaching. Questions will include anything from rules and regulations, general teaching topics, handling a variety of types of students, and any other teaching related question deemed important at the discretion of the Teaching Elder, Azlan.
* Upon passing the Interview portion of the Final Teaching Exam, the student will prepare for the Written portion.
* The Apprentice needs to come up with their own “New Art”, any focus, sphere, effect etc. Once that is done, then pick 10 REAL dreamers and write a sample task for them to learn this art, being prepared to defend why they did or did not write each task for each person a certain way. They are encouraged to interview people and pick dreamers other than their friends or housemates.
* When the Apprentice has finished their 10 sample tasks, they will schedule a time to meet with the Teaching Elder, Azlan to turn in their sample for final review and discussion. If the Apprentice has passed, they will be eligible for Ordainment at an agreed upon time and place of their choosing.
===Rules and Regulations for Teachers===
* The following are to be adhered to by all Teachers, regardless of orbit, Train ability, rank in factions, etc.
* A Teacher has the freedom, within reason, to grant any task that is of appropriate difficulty for the corresponding student and the Art sought.
* A Teacher has the freedom, within reason, to grant any task that is of appropriate difficulty for the corresponding student and the Art sought.
* A Teacher has the freedom to accept or deny the report of any student if they feel it is inadequate or insufficient.
* A Teacher has the freedom to accept or deny the report of any student if they feel it is inadequate or insufficient.
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* A Teacher is expected to actively use their halo. Teachers will lose Quest if they are inactive for 6 months.
* A Teacher is expected to actively use their halo. Teachers will lose Quest if they are inactive for 6 months.
* A Teacher will have the freedom to determine who they provide their support train tokens to.
* A Teacher will have the freedom to determine who they provide their support train tokens to.
* A Teacher must have an equal number of Major Arts to the requested plateau. If there are not enough Major arts, then Minor arts may be included.
* Train Plateaus to both 10 and 20 are granted through an interview process.
* Train Plateaus to both 10 and 20 are now granted through an interview process.
* A teacher must display a satisfactory level of expertise with teaching and tasking that warrants their progression to Train 10 and Train 20.
* Violating or abusing the Teaching System will not be tolerated and violators will be reprimanded up to and/or including the removal of Quest, Train, Train Self, and Sphere.
* Violating or abusing the Teaching System will not be tolerated and violators will be reprimanded up to and/or including the removal of Quest, Train, Train Self, and Sphere.
* All teachers can grant and plateau any blade and flame art, regardless of Focus.
* All teachers can grant and plateau any blade and flame art regardless of Focus.
* Returning teachers who don’t have Quest can seek any Master Teacher to regain Quest. An Elder is not required.
* Returning teachers who don’t have Quest can seek any Master Teacher to regain the art of Quest. An Elder is not required, but Master Teachers must ensure that the returning teacher is up to date with the current rules and regulations of teaching before granting them the art of Quest.
===Honoring Quests===
* If a teacher has been absent for 2 weeks or more, an Elder or MT may honor their quest. If there is any doubt, send the student to an Elder.
* Only Elders may honor tasks from other Elders
===Acquiring Train Plateaus===
* A Teacher must have an equal number of Major Arts to the requested [[Train]] plateau. If there are not enough Major arts, then Minor arts may be included.
* As an example, a teacher seeking a task to plateau their Train to 40 must have 4 Major Arts to 40.
===Support Train and Train Support Tasking Process===
* Any Master Teacher seeking a Support Train Token, may do so from any ordained Teacher.
* A Master Teacher MUST complete a mini task in order to earn their Support Train Token.
* Support Train mini tasks will have the difficulty level of a plateau 10 task.
===Process of Mini Tasking:===
* Evoke Quest
* Target the art of [[Support Train]]
* Target the Master Teacher
* Please the art and plateau they seek to self-train in the title of the codex
* After hearing and approving the report, Evoke Support Train
* Select the Art and a token will be created that you can then give to the Master Teacher.
===Tasking and Plateauing===
* All Teachers and Students must adhere to the following guidelines.
* A Student may have up to 3 active tasks from the same Teacher at a time.
* Students may not have multiple tasks for the same art.
* A Student may report a task as soon as they are ready. If the Student can report sooner than one dream cycle for any art above a plateau of 20, then the task difficulty should be adjusted.
* A Teacher may decide the difficulty of a “To Learn” task. It should challenge the student but not be so difficult that it takes the student weeks to perform.
* Plateau tasks should increase in difficulty as the plateau increases. (Ex: Free Action to 80 should be incredibly more difficult than a Free Action to 10 task.)
* Missions Reward System for Arts and Plateaus
* Reward Tokens that have been earned through completion of Missions may be used to purchase arts and plateaus.
* Here are the current costs:
* 2 tokens = Art or Plat to 10 - 30
* 4 tokens = Art or Plat to 40 – 60
* 6 tokens = Art or Plat to 70 – 90

Process of Mini Tasking for Support Train
==The Role and Requirements of All Master Teachers==
* Evoke Quest, select Support Train and then select the Master. Include the art and plateau in the title. When it is time to grant the support, you activate Support Train and select the art. A token will be made for you.

===Master Teachers===
* A [[Master Teacher]] is a Teacher who has progressed to a higher station of teaching. Master Teachers do not serve as superiors to all other teachers, but instead they serve as guides to the teaching community. Master Teachers have greater experience with tasking and handling students and can provide teachers with invaluable insight and advice on how to approach nearly any teaching situation. Master Teachers must help drive initiatives set forth by the Teaching Elder, Azlan. These initiatives can include, but not be limited to, enhancements of arts, creation of arts, focus guild directives, mentoring new and existing teachers, and pushing for the continued progression of their apprentices.

* Those seeking Master status must have a Train of at LEAST 50.
===Becoming a Master Teacher===
* Those seeking Master status must have the art of Sphere.
* Those seeking Master status must have at least 4 Major arts to 50.
*To become a Master Teacher a teacher must meet certain requirements to be considered. Once a teacher meets these requirements, they must schedule an interview with the Teaching Elder, Azlan. The Teaching Elder will confirm eligibility and will then interview the candidate on a variety of teaching-related topics. The Teaching Elder will also take into consideration the past and current continuous efforts of the teacher when making their final decision. If the teacher demonstrates a satisfactory level of knowledge and effort, the Teaching Elder will grant them the art of Train Self.
* Master Teachers who are deemed inactive will have Train Self removed.
* Membership of the Convocation of Masters is extended by invitation on an as needed basis.
===The Requirements for Master Teacher Eligibility===
* Those who meet the requirements for Master Teacher may submit their interest in joining. Their potential membership will be discussed and voted upon. If passed, an invitation will be extended to the dreamer to join the council.
* Master Teachers shall have the same discretion as any other teacher in terms of whom they task or do not task. It is encouraged that a Master Teacher keep their teaching neutral and available to all, but it is not a requirement.
* Teachers MUST have a Train level of at least 60
* A Master Teacher is expected to actively use their halo. Periods of inactivity (either absence from the dream in general, or non-use of Train) may result in the removal of Quest, Train, Train Self or Sphere.
* Teachers MUST have the art of Sphere
* Teachers MUST have their MAJOR arts equal to the Train level they currently possess.
* As an example, a Teacher who has a Train of 70 seeking Master Teacher, MUST have their MAJOR arts plateaued to 70.
* The only exception to this is Teachers who received their current sphere within the last 30 days and plateaued their Train to their new sphere level. In this instance, their major arts MUST be equal to the previous Train plateau
* Teachers MUST have at least 6 Dreamsoul arts to a minimum of level 50.
===Rules and Regulations for Master Teachers===
* The following are to be adhered to by all Master Teachers.
* Master Teachers MUST actively participate in the initiatives set forth by the Teaching Elder. Master Teachers who fall inactive in their duties will have their Train Self removed.
The initiatives include, but are not limited to the following:
* Enhancements of arts
* Creation of arts
* Focus Guild directives
* Mentoring new and existing teachers
* Pushing for the continued progression of their apprentices up until they obtain a Train of 50.
* Pushing for the progress of all Teachers by offering Train plateau tasks when needed.
===Teaching related events===
* Master Teachers shall have the same discretion as any other teacher in terms of whom they task or do not task. It is encouraged that a Master Teacher keeps their teaching neutral and available to all, but it is not a requirement.
* Master Teachers found to be violating or abusing the Teaching System will be reprimanded up to and/or including the removal of Train, Train Self, and Sphere.
* Master Teachers found to be violating or abusing the Teaching System will be reprimanded up to and/or including the removal of Train, Train Self, and Sphere.
* Master Teachers may gain support train tokens by completing mini tasks equal in difficulty to a 1st plateau task.
* Master Teachers may task and grant Train plateaus. You must be in party for the Train to work properly.

Train Self Token Requirements
===Train Self Process===
* Master Teachers may gain support train tokens by completing mini tasks equal in difficulty to a plateau 10 task. These mini tasks can be written by any Teacher, and does not have to specifically come from another Master Teacher.
===Train Self Plateau Token Requirements===
* 2 support train tokens = Plat 10
* 2 support train tokens = Plat 10
* 3 support train tokens = Plats 20-30
* 3 support train tokens = Plats 20-30
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* 5 support train tokens = Plats 70-90
* 5 support train tokens = Plats 70-90

===The Art of Sphere===
===Convocation of Masters (MT Council)===
Rainbow Halos

* A Teacher may seek the Art of Sphere from an Elder Master Teacher.
These are the Elder Master Teachers.  
* A Teacher must be at LEAST 4th sphere and pass an interview process.
* The Teacher is required to learn the eligibility and requirements for each Sphere level.
The only limitation to what they can teach is they will not teach house arts.
* The Teacher will be asked to formulate their own sample sphere quests for review.
* If the Elder Master Teacher feels the teacher is ready, they will be trained in the art of Sphere.
Non-Rainbow Dual Halos
These are the non-Elder Master Teachers.
They are limited to what their Train and various art levels allow them to teach, plus they are able to give Train plateaus.
==The Art of Sphere==

===Sphere Ascension===
The art of Sphere allows a Teacher to raise the sphere of an eligible student.

There are now two choices each dreamer has for ascension in Sphere.
===Acquiring the Art of Sphere===

* Option 1: A dreamer may take on a task from a teacher with the art of Sphere that will test their abilities and send them on a quest to earn their ascension to the next sphere. A dreamer, upon completion of the quest, must seek out sphere support tokens from their peers and bring them, along with their quest report, to the sphere teacher for consideration.
* A Teacher may seek the Art of Sphere from any Elder Master Teacher.
* The Teacher is required to learn the eligibility and requirements for each Sphere level.
* The Teacher will be asked to formulate their own sample sphere quests for review.
* If the Elder Master Teacher feels the teacher is ready, they will be trained in the [[art]] of Sphere.

* Option 2: A dreamer may master their focus and skip the need to embark on a quest. To master one's focus, a dreamer MUST have every focal art plateaued to their current sphere. A dreamer who masters their focus may seek an Elder to verify their accomplishment and get a codex of eligibility. The dreamer may then use this codex to gather sphere support tokens from their peers and present the supports along with the codex of eligibility to their desired sphere teacher for ascension. The act of mastering your focus will count as the effort needed to ascend to the next sphere.
===Sphere Ascension Paths===

Ex: A Soulmaster that is Orbit 59 and seeking 6th sphere must have every Resilience art plateaued to 50.

Additional Accepted Dreamsoul Arts
* A dreamer may take on a task from a teacher with the art of Sphere that will test their abilities and send them on a quest to earn their ascension to the next sphere. A dreamer, upon completion of the quest, must seek out sphere support tokens from their peers and bring them, along with their quest report, to the sphere teacher for consideration.
* Train
* Main House Arts (Shadow Step, Poison Cloud, Radiant Blaze, Entrancement, Sable Shield, Break Covenant, Dazzle, Peace Aura)

Unaccepted Dreamsoul Arts
===Sphere Ascension Tasking===
* House Rank Arts (Ascend to Ruler, Initiate, Demote, etc.)
* Power Token
* Sphere
* Quest
* Soul Evoke
* Teaching Support Arts (Support Sphere, Support Train)
* Train Self

Sphere Ascension Tasking
* Sphere 1: Should demonstrate understanding of the more basic functions in the Dream. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
* Sphere 1: Should demonstrate understanding of the more basic functions in the Dream. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
* Sphere 2: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from interacting with others. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
* Sphere 2: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from interacting with others. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
* Sphere 3: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from taking part in a larger event. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
* Sphere 3: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from taking part in a larger event. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
* Sphere 4: LEAD a Large scale event involving many others.
* Sphere 4: LEAD a Large-scale event involving many others.
* Sphere 5: LEAD or HOST at least three events involving many others. (Events can be a progression event or a tournament as examples)
* Sphere 5: LEAD or HOST at least three events involving many others. (Events can be a progression event or a tournament as examples)
* Sphere 6: Event impacting more than one house or group. Should be documented on the public scrolls and usually requires 5 to 6 events to create the whole.
* Sphere 6: Event impacting more than one house or group. Should be documented on the public scrolls and usually requires 5 to 6 events to create the whole.
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* Sphere 8: Dream changing event. Should involve the entire City and benefit it as well. The event should be extremely well known and just as well documented on the public scrolls. Several, at least 7 to 8, attempts should be made before the final result is achieved.
* Sphere 8: Dream changing event. Should involve the entire City and benefit it as well. The event should be extremely well known and just as well documented on the public scrolls. Several, at least 7 to 8, attempts should be made before the final result is achieved.
* Sphere 9: The secondary focus path will serve as a dreamer's task for 9th sphere. Upon completion of their secondary focus, they may freely gather supports from their peers and seek an Elder to ascend to 9th sphere.
* Sphere 9: The secondary focus path will serve as a dreamer's task for 9th sphere. Upon completion of their secondary focus, they may freely gather supports from their peers and seek an Elder to ascend to 9th sphere.
===Sphere Mastery===
* A dreamer may master their focus and skip the need to embark on a quest. To master one's focus, a dreamer MUST have every focal art plateaued to their current sphere. Any focal art that requires membership in a house to evoke is excluded from this requirement. A dreamer who masters their focus MUST seek an Elder (rainbow halo) FIRST to verify their accomplishment and get a codex of eligibility. The dreamer may then use this codex to gather sphere support tokens from their peers. Upon gathering the required number of supports, the dreamer will bring the codex of eligibility and supports back to any Elder (rainbow halo) to be granted to the actual sphere. You do not need to go to the same Elder you got the codex from. The act of mastering your focus will count as the effort needed to ascend to the next sphere.
* Ex: A Soulmaster that is Orbit 59 and seeking 6th sphere must have every Resilience art plateaued to 50. The exception would be Corrupt Essence as this requires rank in a house to evoke.
===Sphere Support Tokens===

Required Number of Sphere Support Tokens
Required Number of Sphere Support Tokens
* 1st-3rd Sphere = 0 tokens
* 1st - 3rd Sphere = 0 tokens
* 4th Sphere = 2 tokens
* 4th Sphere = 2 tokens
* 5th Sphere = 4 tokens
* 5th Sphere = 4 tokens
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* 7th Sphere = 8 tokens
* 7th Sphere = 8 tokens
* 8th Sphere = 10 tokens
* 8th Sphere = 10 tokens
* 9th Sphere = 12 tokens (No Sphere Support tasks are required to gain tokens when progressing your secondary focus.)
* 9th Sphere = 12 tokens

==Special Case Arts==

* All Apprentices must be at least 4th sphere.
===Support Train and Support Sphere===
* Only Elder Master Teachers and MTs can mentor an apprentice. (See Dual Mentorship below)
* An MT is only allowed one apprentice at a time.
* The Apprentice and Mentor must spend at least 2 sessions going over general Teaching rules/guidelines (eligibility requirements, activity requirements, progression benchmarks, etc.)
* After the initial meetings, and if they are still in agreement, the MT and the Apprentice will start their work together. During the next few weeks, the Apprentice is expected to shadow the MT. At first, the MT will “guide” the Apprentice through their style of teaching and how they create certain tasks or decide if a report is sufficient. The Apprentice should be encouraged to offer suggestions, ask questions, critique or offer non-official “alternative” tasks.
* Once there is a level of mutual confidence, the Apprentice will be asked to come up with the actual task and, pending approval and re-written on a Quest codex by the MT, will give the task to the student to be completed.
* Regular reports are to be made to the Elder Teaching Lead or Elder Council.
* When the MT feels that the apprentice is ready, Master Teachers may now train their apprentices in the art of Quest.
* The granting of Quest will allow the apprentice access to the Apprentice Study and the option to display their Apprentice Halo.
* The two will work in tandem with the MT approving the tasks that the Apprentice writes. This continues until the MT and the Apprentice feel it is time to take the next step. At that point, the MT will decide if the Apprentice is ready to start writing tasks on their own.
* The final stage will continue until the MT feels that the Apprentice is ready to be given the Oral portion of the Exam. At this point, the MT and the Apprentice will meet with the Elder Teaching Lead and discuss the journey and then the Apprentice will speak with the Elder Teaching Lead alone.
* After the oral portion, if passed, the Final written exam will be given. (If more work is to be done, the Apprentice will be sent back to the MT and the three will discuss where help is needed)

Final Written Exam
* Any teachers missing these arts are to be directed to an Elder.
* The Apprentice needs to come up with their own “New Art”, any focus, sphere, effect etc. Once that is done, then pick 10 (or so) REAL dreamers and write an example task for them to learn the art, being prepared to defend why they did or did not write each task for each person a certain way. The task of the 10 people should say what they did. They are encouraged to interview people and encouraged to pick other dreamers than their friends or housemates.
* When the report is given and the samples are looked at, the Elder Team Lead will discuss with the Elder Teaching Team and get input. The final decision is in the hands of the Elder Teaching Leads.
* The Apprentice should take as long as they need to learn all that there is to know about Teaching. The apprenticeship will last at least 4 to 6 weeks, or longer if needed.

Dual Mentorship of Apprentices
* Depending on circumstance or preference, a secondary mentor can be added for extra assistance.
* The secondary mentor does not need to be a Master Teacher.
* Same focus mentoring is very much desired whenever possible, but not required.
* Daxon is to be informed of ALL mentoring activities.

===Tasking and Plateauing===
* Any Teacher, Guardian or Ruler missing the art can be given the art. When the task is written, write in the body of the quest whether you’re granting it to a Teacher, Guardian, or Ruler
* Any other dreamer is allowed to task normally for the art. The only requirement is 3rd sphere.
===House Arts===
* Tasking for house arts is an internal process. The members, seneschal, and Leonard Scruff (in a pinch) may task for any house related art.
* Rally is free to learn to any Guardian who does not already have the art.
* Rally plateaus must be tasked for.

* A Student may have up to 3 active tasks from the same Teacher at a time. They may have multiple tasks from multiple teachers. Exceptions to this rule are tasks for Forge, Train or Sphere.
==Forge Talisman==
* A Student may report a task as soon as they are ready. If the Student can report sooner than one dream cycle, then the task difficulty should be adjusted.
* A Teacher may decide the difficulty of a “To Learn” task. It should challenge the student but not be so difficult that it takes the student weeks to perform.
* Plateau tasks should increase in difficulty as the plateau increases. (Ex: Free Action to 80 should be incredibly more difficult than a Free Action to 10.)
* A Teacher, if found to be violating or abusing the Teaching System, may have their teaching arts removed or suspended at the discretion of the Elder Council and Elder Teaching Lead.

Support Train and Support Sphere Arts
* All Elders, House Seneschals, and Dreamsmiths may task for the art of Forge Talisman
* Any teachers missing these arts are to be directed to an Elder.

===Forge Talisman Task Requirements===
* Any Teacher, Guardian or Ruler missing the art can be given the art. When the task is written, write in the body of the quest whether you’re granting it to a Teacher, Guardian, or Ruler
* Any other dreamer is allowed to task normally for the art. The only requirement is 3rd sphere.

Honoring Quests
* [[Forge Talisman]] tasks from Learn to a plateau of 40 must not exceed 2 separate parts.
* If a teacher has been absent for 2 weeks or more, an Elder or MT may honor their quest. If there is any doubt, send the student to an Elder.
* Forge Talisman tasks from a plateau of 50 and above must have a minimum of 2 separate parts.
* Only Elders may honor task from other Elders
* Forge Talisman task difficulty will not be specifically outlined. Dreamsmiths must use their best judgment.
* If a Dreamsmith is found to be writing tasks that are too easy or too difficult, they will be offered individual coaching by the Head Dreamsmith, or one of their peers who have shown proficiency.
* There will be a 3-strike system in place. If any Dreamsmith finds themselves requiring coaching more than 3 times within a reasonable amount of time, their Dreamsmith Mark will be removed.
* If a Dreamsmith has their Mark removed, they are not disqualified from regaining it. They must simply go through the training process again and gain a new endorsement. Once completed, they will be interviewed again.

===Oracle's Gift===
===Oracle's Gift===

* Dreamers will be gifted the following arts up to their 3rd plateau. (Orbit 30)
Oracle's Gift

Dreamers will be gifted the following arts up to their 3rd plateau after an Oracle’s Lesson directed by the Teacher. (Starting from art level 39, quests are required for improvement to level 40 and above).
* DreamSeer
* Dreamblade
* TranceFlame
* Vision
* Chamele
* Judgment
* Identify
* Identify Curse
* Blast

An Oracle’s Lesson is defined as a verbal lesson that includes explaining what these arts do, how they change within the three levels and any other learning that the Teacher deems important or necessary. If the student agrees, a written Quest may be given instead, to be reported as soon as it is complete.
* SoulMaster
* SoulReaper
* FlameSear
* Drain Self
* Purify
* Restore
* Reweave
* Corrupt Essence
* Poison
* Antidote

The Orbit shown is when the Art is learnable. In the case of Corrupt Essence, Soulmasters can learn the art at Orbit 10, whereas other Foci learn it at Orbit 30.
* FateSender
* FateSlayer
* FlameRuin
* Deafen
* Scare
* Stagger
* Paralyze

Every Quest codex for an Oracle’s Gift granted MUST include a detailed summary of the Oracle Lesson provided to the student.
* GateKeeper
* GateSmasher
* FlameShaft
* Free Action
* Resist Fear
* Protection
* Ward
* Amulet
* Kinesis

====Dreamsoul & Minor Arts====
*Remember that minor focus arts for non-focus students (ie: Corrupt Essence for a Fatesender) max at 29 except in the case of secondary focus arts.
* Birth Arts
** Join Party
** Random
** Show Talisman
** Locate Dreamer
** Sense Dreamers
** Trail
** Meditation
** Know
** Drain Essence

*Essence Arts
*Any Art NOT listed below requires a Quest to learn and plateau. They are not, or are no longer, included in the Oracle’s Gift.
** Banish Nightmare
** Imprison Nightmare
** Cleanse Nightmare

* Push
===Gifted Arts that are granted up to 30 through an Oracle Lesson===
* Inscribe
* Soul Evoke
The following Oracles may be granted to any dreamer.
* Newly Awakened
* Sense Datoken
*[[Push]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 0
* Sacrifice
*[[Inscribe]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 15
* Destroy Talisman
*[[Soul Evoke]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 15
* Mind Blank
*[[Recall]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 25
* Chaos Well
*[[Sacrifice]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 30
*[[Mind Blank]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 30
*[[Chaos Well]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 30
*[[Rally]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 30
*[[Chaos Well]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 30
*[[Corrupt Essence]] (Resilience) - Learnable at SM Orbit 10 / Non-SM Orbit 30
*[[Destroy Talisman]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 35
*[[Channel]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 35
*[[Soul Shield]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 40
*[[Distress Call]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 40
*[[Nightmare Form]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 40
*[[Misdirection]] (Dreamsoul) - Learnable at Orbit 60
===Dreamsoul & Minor Focus Arts===
The following is a list of Dreamsoul and Minor Focus arts that will auto-plateau and no longer require a teacher to raise. As you gain spheres these arts will automatically plateau to that level. These arts are also not bound by the minor art maximum rule. For example, Meditation will automatically plateau up to 90 even if you are a Dreamseer. Sense Datoken will automatically plateau up to 90 even if you are a Fatesender. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a member of the Elder’s Council.
Dreamsoul Arts that no longer require a Teacher to improve
*[[Join Party]]
*[[Show Talisman]]
*[[Locate Dreamer]]
*[[Sense Dreamers]]
*[[Personal Vault]]
Essence Arts that no longer require a Teacher to improve
*[[Drain Essence]]
*[[Cleanse Nightmare]]
*[[Imprison Nightmare]]
*[[Banish Nightmare]]
Focal Minor Arts that no longer require a Teacher to improve
*[[Newly Awakened]]
*[[Sense Datoken]]

===Art & Plateau Reward System===
===Art & Plateau Reward System===

Dreamers and Teachers
Dreamers and Teachers
* 2 tokens = Art or Plat to 10 - 30
* 3 tokens = Art or Plat to 40 – 60
* 2 tokens = Learn or Plats to 10 - 30
* 4 tokens = Art or Plat to 70 – 90
* 4 tokens = Plats to 40 – 60
* 6 tokens = Plats to 70 & Above

Master Teachers
Master Teachers
* 2 tokens = Art or Plats 10 - 30
* 3 tokens = Art or Plats 40 – 60
* 4 tokens = Art or Plats 70 & Above

* Master Teachers may use either unique and/or their student’s tokens.
* 2 tokens = Learn or Plats to 10 - 30
* 4 tokens = Plats to 40 – 60
* 6 tokens = Plats to 70 & Above
* Master Teachers can use their student's tokens to cover 50% of the cost.
* Ex: Plat 60 = 2 student / 2 master tokens. Plat 80 = 3 student / 3 master tokens.
Revised October 26, 2024
===Also See:===
[[Master Teacher]]
[[Dual Focus]]
[[Oracle's Gift]]
[[Royal Missions]]

Revised: 11/28/2021 by Daxon
[[Mission Pursuit]]


* https://forums.underlight.com/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=10649&p=28605&hilit=Teaching+Standards#p28605

[[Category:Game Manual]]
[[Category:Game Manual]]
[[Category:Train & Sphere Tools]]
[[Category:Train & Sphere Tools]]

Latest revision as of 16:31, 28 October 2024


Teachers Requirements and Progression Revised January 28, 2024

The Role and Requirements of All Teachers

  • A Teacher is a dreamer who is responsible for the knowledge and advancement of their fellow dreamers. A teacher is more than just a task giver. A teacher is someone who serves as a guide to all dreamers about the many aspects of the City of Dreams. This includes, but is not limited to sharing the history of our City, explaining current events to new and returning dreamers, help new dreamers acquire their bearings upon entering the city, guiding experienced dreamers in new directions if they are so interested, keeping up to date with the current rules and regulations of tasking and general advancement within the City.

Becoming a Teacher

  • Anyone can be a teacher whether they have a halo or not. All you need to do is go out and provide knowledge to others that they did not have before. However, if you wish to become an ordained teacher and acquire the art of Train for the purpose of having a direct role in the advancement of your fellow dreamers then you must meet these following minimum requirements and go through an Apprenticeship under a Master Teacher mentor.

To become a teaching apprentice you must:

  • Obtained at least 4th sphere.
  • Be accepted or chosen as an apprentice by a Mentor.
  • You can approach any Master Teacher when you feel you are ready and see if they are willing to take you on as their apprentice.
  • Any Master Teacher can approach you and offer to take you on as their apprentice. You are free to accept or decline any such offer, for any reason.
  • Only an Master Teacher can mentor someone for the art of Train
  • Master Teachers are only allowed a maximum of 2 Apprentices at a time.
  • Apprentices can have up to a maximum of 2 Mentors as long as it is approved by the Teacher Elder, Azlan.
  • If there will be 2 Mentors, both Mentors in these cases must communicate with each other to ensure that their shared apprentice remains on track.
  • If there will be 2 Mentors, both Mentors must be in agreement when it comes time to give their apprentice the art of Quest.
  • Regular updates must be provided to the Teacher Elder, Azlan, about the progress of each Apprentice.
  • An apprenticeship doesn’t end with the ordainment of the Apprentice. Mentoring should be a symbiotic relationship, and the Mentor(s) should continue to work with and push the progression of their Apprentice until their Train art reaches level 50.

The Apprenticeship Process

  • The entire apprenticeship should take at least 4 weeks. It may take longer if needed.
  • An Apprentice must spend at least 2 sessions with their Mentor(s) going over general teaching rules and regulations. (This includes everything listed in the entirety of this scroll.)
  • Once the Apprentice can prove adequate knowledge of the rules and regulations for teaching, they will begin shadowing their Mentor(s). This will give them the ability to see the tasking process in action. This is also the point where the Mentor(s) provide their Apprentice with additional insights into the different styles of task writing and their preferred methods of handling their student’s needs and requests. It is recommended that Mentors begin having their students craft a variety of sample tasks for different dreamers, arts, and plateaus to get them comfortable with the process.
  • Once there is a level of mutual confidence, the Apprentice will be asked to come up with the actual task for a student and, pending approval and re-written on a Quest codex by the Mentor, will give the task to the student to be completed.
  • When the Mentor(s) feel that the Apprentice is ready to begin tasking on their own, they may provide their Apprentice with the art of Quest. This will give them the white Apprentice halo and allow them to begin giving tasks on their own, but only within the stipulations set forth by the Mentor(s). (If 2 Mentors, both must be in agreement with the stipulations given to their Apprentice.)
  • Once the Mentor(s) feel that the Apprentice is ready for the Interview portion of the Final Teaching Exam, they will schedule a time to meet with the Teaching Elder, Azlan. During this interview, the Apprentice will be required to answer an array of questions displaying their overall knowledge of teaching. Questions will include anything from rules and regulations, general teaching topics, handling a variety of types of students, and any other teaching related question deemed important at the discretion of the Teaching Elder, Azlan.
  • Upon passing the Interview portion of the Final Teaching Exam, the student will prepare for the Written portion.
  • The Apprentice needs to come up with their own “New Art”, any focus, sphere, effect etc. Once that is done, then pick 10 REAL dreamers and write a sample task for them to learn this art, being prepared to defend why they did or did not write each task for each person a certain way. They are encouraged to interview people and pick dreamers other than their friends or housemates.
  • When the Apprentice has finished their 10 sample tasks, they will schedule a time to meet with the Teaching Elder, Azlan to turn in their sample for final review and discussion. If the Apprentice has passed, they will be eligible for Ordainment at an agreed upon time and place of their choosing.

Rules and Regulations for Teachers

  • The following are to be adhered to by all Teachers, regardless of orbit, Train ability, rank in factions, etc.
  • A Teacher has the freedom, within reason, to grant any task that is of appropriate difficulty for the corresponding student and the Art sought.
  • A Teacher has the freedom to accept or deny the report of any student if they feel it is inadequate or insufficient.
  • A Teacher has the freedom to teach or not teach whomever they wish. A Teacher may refuse to hear a report from any student.
  • A Teacher is expected to actively use their halo. Teachers will lose Quest if they are inactive for 6 months.
  • A Teacher will have the freedom to determine who they provide their support train tokens to.
  • Train Plateaus to both 10 and 20 are granted through an interview process.
  • A teacher must display a satisfactory level of expertise with teaching and tasking that warrants their progression to Train 10 and Train 20.
  • Violating or abusing the Teaching System will not be tolerated and violators will be reprimanded up to and/or including the removal of Quest, Train, Train Self, and Sphere.
  • All teachers can grant and plateau any blade and flame art regardless of Focus.
  • Returning teachers who don’t have Quest can seek any Master Teacher to regain the art of Quest. An Elder is not required, but Master Teachers must ensure that the returning teacher is up to date with the current rules and regulations of teaching before granting them the art of Quest.

Honoring Quests

  • If a teacher has been absent for 2 weeks or more, an Elder or MT may honor their quest. If there is any doubt, send the student to an Elder.
  • Only Elders may honor tasks from other Elders

Acquiring Train Plateaus

  • A Teacher must have an equal number of Major Arts to the requested Train plateau. If there are not enough Major arts, then Minor arts may be included.
  • As an example, a teacher seeking a task to plateau their Train to 40 must have 4 Major Arts to 40.

Support Train and Train Support Tasking Process

  • Any Master Teacher seeking a Support Train Token, may do so from any ordained Teacher.
  • A Master Teacher MUST complete a mini task in order to earn their Support Train Token.
  • Support Train mini tasks will have the difficulty level of a plateau 10 task.

Process of Mini Tasking:

  • Evoke Quest
  • Target the art of Support Train
  • Target the Master Teacher
  • Please the art and plateau they seek to self-train in the title of the codex
  • After hearing and approving the report, Evoke Support Train
  • Select the Art and a token will be created that you can then give to the Master Teacher.

Tasking and Plateauing

  • All Teachers and Students must adhere to the following guidelines.
  • A Student may have up to 3 active tasks from the same Teacher at a time.
  • Students may not have multiple tasks for the same art.
  • A Student may report a task as soon as they are ready. If the Student can report sooner than one dream cycle for any art above a plateau of 20, then the task difficulty should be adjusted.
  • A Teacher may decide the difficulty of a “To Learn” task. It should challenge the student but not be so difficult that it takes the student weeks to perform.
  • Plateau tasks should increase in difficulty as the plateau increases. (Ex: Free Action to 80 should be incredibly more difficult than a Free Action to 10 task.)
  • Missions Reward System for Arts and Plateaus
  • Reward Tokens that have been earned through completion of Missions may be used to purchase arts and plateaus.
  • Here are the current costs:
  • 2 tokens = Art or Plat to 10 - 30
  • 4 tokens = Art or Plat to 40 – 60
  • 6 tokens = Art or Plat to 70 – 90

The Role and Requirements of All Master Teachers

  • A Master Teacher is a Teacher who has progressed to a higher station of teaching. Master Teachers do not serve as superiors to all other teachers, but instead they serve as guides to the teaching community. Master Teachers have greater experience with tasking and handling students and can provide teachers with invaluable insight and advice on how to approach nearly any teaching situation. Master Teachers must help drive initiatives set forth by the Teaching Elder, Azlan. These initiatives can include, but not be limited to, enhancements of arts, creation of arts, focus guild directives, mentoring new and existing teachers, and pushing for the continued progression of their apprentices.

Becoming a Master Teacher

  • To become a Master Teacher a teacher must meet certain requirements to be considered. Once a teacher meets these requirements, they must schedule an interview with the Teaching Elder, Azlan. The Teaching Elder will confirm eligibility and will then interview the candidate on a variety of teaching-related topics. The Teaching Elder will also take into consideration the past and current continuous efforts of the teacher when making their final decision. If the teacher demonstrates a satisfactory level of knowledge and effort, the Teaching Elder will grant them the art of Train Self.

The Requirements for Master Teacher Eligibility

  • Teachers MUST have a Train level of at least 60
  • Teachers MUST have the art of Sphere
  • Teachers MUST have their MAJOR arts equal to the Train level they currently possess.
  • As an example, a Teacher who has a Train of 70 seeking Master Teacher, MUST have their MAJOR arts plateaued to 70.
  • The only exception to this is Teachers who received their current sphere within the last 30 days and plateaued their Train to their new sphere level. In this instance, their major arts MUST be equal to the previous Train plateau
  • Teachers MUST have at least 6 Dreamsoul arts to a minimum of level 50.

Rules and Regulations for Master Teachers

  • The following are to be adhered to by all Master Teachers.
  • Master Teachers MUST actively participate in the initiatives set forth by the Teaching Elder. Master Teachers who fall inactive in their duties will have their Train Self removed.

The initiatives include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Enhancements of arts
  • Creation of arts
  • Focus Guild directives
  • Mentoring new and existing teachers
  • Pushing for the continued progression of their apprentices up until they obtain a Train of 50.
  • Pushing for the progress of all Teachers by offering Train plateau tasks when needed.

Teaching related events

  • Master Teachers shall have the same discretion as any other teacher in terms of whom they task or do not task. It is encouraged that a Master Teacher keeps their teaching neutral and available to all, but it is not a requirement.
  • Master Teachers found to be violating or abusing the Teaching System will be reprimanded up to and/or including the removal of Train, Train Self, and Sphere.

Train Self Process

  • Master Teachers may gain support train tokens by completing mini tasks equal in difficulty to a plateau 10 task. These mini tasks can be written by any Teacher, and does not have to specifically come from another Master Teacher.

Train Self Plateau Token Requirements

  • 2 support train tokens = Plat 10
  • 3 support train tokens = Plats 20-30
  • 4 support train tokens = Plats 40-60
  • 5 support train tokens = Plats 70-90

Convocation of Masters (MT Council)

Rainbow Halos

These are the Elder Master Teachers.

The only limitation to what they can teach is they will not teach house arts.

Non-Rainbow Dual Halos

These are the non-Elder Master Teachers.

They are limited to what their Train and various art levels allow them to teach, plus they are able to give Train plateaus.

The Art of Sphere

The art of Sphere allows a Teacher to raise the sphere of an eligible student.

Acquiring the Art of Sphere

  • A Teacher may seek the Art of Sphere from any Elder Master Teacher.
  • The Teacher is required to learn the eligibility and requirements for each Sphere level.
  • The Teacher will be asked to formulate their own sample sphere quests for review.
  • If the Elder Master Teacher feels the teacher is ready, they will be trained in the art of Sphere.

Sphere Ascension Paths


  • A dreamer may take on a task from a teacher with the art of Sphere that will test their abilities and send them on a quest to earn their ascension to the next sphere. A dreamer, upon completion of the quest, must seek out sphere support tokens from their peers and bring them, along with their quest report, to the sphere teacher for consideration.

Sphere Ascension Tasking

  • Sphere 1: Should demonstrate understanding of the more basic functions in the Dream. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
  • Sphere 2: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from interacting with others. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
  • Sphere 3: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from taking part in a larger event. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
  • Sphere 4: LEAD a Large-scale event involving many others.
  • Sphere 5: LEAD or HOST at least three events involving many others. (Events can be a progression event or a tournament as examples)
  • Sphere 6: Event impacting more than one house or group. Should be documented on the public scrolls and usually requires 5 to 6 events to create the whole.
  • Sphere 7: Event impacting the entire City. This should be a significant event that will go down in the History of the City. Should require at least 6 to 7 attempts at what you are trying to accomplish. Documentation on the public scrolls is required for this sphere task.
  • Sphere 8: Dream changing event. Should involve the entire City and benefit it as well. The event should be extremely well known and just as well documented on the public scrolls. Several, at least 7 to 8, attempts should be made before the final result is achieved.
  • Sphere 9: The secondary focus path will serve as a dreamer's task for 9th sphere. Upon completion of their secondary focus, they may freely gather supports from their peers and seek an Elder to ascend to 9th sphere.

Sphere Mastery

  • A dreamer may master their focus and skip the need to embark on a quest. To master one's focus, a dreamer MUST have every focal art plateaued to their current sphere. Any focal art that requires membership in a house to evoke is excluded from this requirement. A dreamer who masters their focus MUST seek an Elder (rainbow halo) FIRST to verify their accomplishment and get a codex of eligibility. The dreamer may then use this codex to gather sphere support tokens from their peers. Upon gathering the required number of supports, the dreamer will bring the codex of eligibility and supports back to any Elder (rainbow halo) to be granted to the actual sphere. You do not need to go to the same Elder you got the codex from. The act of mastering your focus will count as the effort needed to ascend to the next sphere.
  • Ex: A Soulmaster that is Orbit 59 and seeking 6th sphere must have every Resilience art plateaued to 50. The exception would be Corrupt Essence as this requires rank in a house to evoke.

Sphere Support Tokens

Required Number of Sphere Support Tokens

  • 1st - 3rd Sphere = 0 tokens
  • 4th Sphere = 2 tokens
  • 5th Sphere = 4 tokens
  • 6th Sphere = 6 tokens
  • 7th Sphere = 8 tokens
  • 8th Sphere = 10 tokens
  • 9th Sphere = 12 tokens

Special Case Arts

Support Train and Support Sphere

  • Any teachers missing these arts are to be directed to an Elder.


  • Any Teacher, Guardian or Ruler missing the art can be given the art. When the task is written, write in the body of the quest whether you’re granting it to a Teacher, Guardian, or Ruler
  • Any other dreamer is allowed to task normally for the art. The only requirement is 3rd sphere.

House Arts

  • Tasking for house arts is an internal process. The members, seneschal, and Leonard Scruff (in a pinch) may task for any house related art.
  • Rally is free to learn to any Guardian who does not already have the art.
  • Rally plateaus must be tasked for.

Forge Talisman

  • All Elders, House Seneschals, and Dreamsmiths may task for the art of Forge Talisman

Forge Talisman Task Requirements

  • Forge Talisman tasks from Learn to a plateau of 40 must not exceed 2 separate parts.
  • Forge Talisman tasks from a plateau of 50 and above must have a minimum of 2 separate parts.
  • Forge Talisman task difficulty will not be specifically outlined. Dreamsmiths must use their best judgment.
  • If a Dreamsmith is found to be writing tasks that are too easy or too difficult, they will be offered individual coaching by the Head Dreamsmith, or one of their peers who have shown proficiency.
  • There will be a 3-strike system in place. If any Dreamsmith finds themselves requiring coaching more than 3 times within a reasonable amount of time, their Dreamsmith Mark will be removed.
  • If a Dreamsmith has their Mark removed, they are not disqualified from regaining it. They must simply go through the training process again and gain a new endorsement. Once completed, they will be interviewed again.

Oracle's Gift

Oracle's Gift

Dreamers will be gifted the following arts up to their 3rd plateau after an Oracle’s Lesson directed by the Teacher. (Starting from art level 39, quests are required for improvement to level 40 and above).

An Oracle’s Lesson is defined as a verbal lesson that includes explaining what these arts do, how they change within the three levels and any other learning that the Teacher deems important or necessary. If the student agrees, a written Quest may be given instead, to be reported as soon as it is complete.

The Orbit shown is when the Art is learnable. In the case of Corrupt Essence, Soulmasters can learn the art at Orbit 10, whereas other Foci learn it at Orbit 30.

Every Quest codex for an Oracle’s Gift granted MUST include a detailed summary of the Oracle Lesson provided to the student.

  • Remember that minor focus arts for non-focus students (ie: Corrupt Essence for a Fatesender) max at 29 except in the case of secondary focus arts.
  • Any Art NOT listed below requires a Quest to learn and plateau. They are not, or are no longer, included in the Oracle’s Gift.

Gifted Arts that are granted up to 30 through an Oracle Lesson

The following Oracles may be granted to any dreamer.

Dreamsoul & Minor Focus Arts

The following is a list of Dreamsoul and Minor Focus arts that will auto-plateau and no longer require a teacher to raise. As you gain spheres these arts will automatically plateau to that level. These arts are also not bound by the minor art maximum rule. For example, Meditation will automatically plateau up to 90 even if you are a Dreamseer. Sense Datoken will automatically plateau up to 90 even if you are a Fatesender. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a member of the Elder’s Council.

Dreamsoul Arts that no longer require a Teacher to improve

Essence Arts that no longer require a Teacher to improve

Focal Minor Arts that no longer require a Teacher to improve

Art & Plateau Reward System

Dreamers and Teachers

  • 2 tokens = Learn or Plats to 10 - 30
  • 4 tokens = Plats to 40 – 60
  • 6 tokens = Plats to 70 & Above

Master Teachers

  • 2 tokens = Learn or Plats to 10 - 30
  • 4 tokens = Plats to 40 – 60
  • 6 tokens = Plats to 70 & Above
  • Master Teachers can use their student's tokens to cover 50% of the cost.
  • Ex: Plat 60 = 2 student / 2 master tokens. Plat 80 = 3 student / 3 master tokens.

Revised October 26, 2024

Also See:


Master Teacher

Dual Focus

Oracle's Gift

Royal Missions

Mission Pursuit
